Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A response to Mr. Propst

Letters to the Editor Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ai adai, Mr. Propst, you almost wrote a novel about Taotao Tano. Slow down, control that temper or you might just do a No. 2 in your pants. Anyway, I finally had some time to respond to you out of my busy pressing schedule. I normally don’t waste my time on nonproductive issues, but I thought I'd give you a response. You may not realize this but a common, ordinary, uneducated person such as myself really got you going. Now who's uneducated? You see, Ed, the thinking process of a common ordinary person will never be comparable to an educated person such as yourself for we are far more advanced. I read your novel and it's pretty sad that a kid like you who grew up in the CNMI and is supposedly educated completely went the opposite direction without further studies or research. It's almost as if you were in a battle waving a white flag, not knowing that the war had ended weeks ago.

The letters we had sent out were meant to distract you and your so-called blogger group, and we had the last laugh when you fell into our covert operation. You see, Ed, we believe that it is you that needs some educating because while you were busy writing a novel on Taotao Tano, we where hammering Wendy Doromal through the back doors of Washington, along with her instigators. This entire federal battle is not about the nonresident guest workers; it's about the political agenda behind the instigators involved in coercing innocent people into believing something that was only benefiting themselves in the end.

Did it ever occur to you that the nonresident workers had co-existed in harmony with our local people in our homeland for many years, some of us are godparents to their children, or Kumaries and Kumparies or in-laws? But when the DEKADA, Human Dignity and other foreign organizations surfaced, they created so much animosities, dissensions and divisions in our community. Did it ever occur to you that if we knew what was going on sooner and Taotao Tano had been born earlier, we would have all sat down and discussed these issues? Did ever occur to you that maybe we could have helped each other in many ways to improve everyone's standard of living here in our homeland? Instead we were all silent, entrusting our elected leaders that they were doing their jobs for years. Today, all of us including the nonresidents are left cleaning up the trash our leaders and their business associates left behind and as a matter fact some of them are still in office as we speak.

Mr. Propst, the United Nations is made up of different people from different nations and countries and they all come in circle to discuss major and detrimental issues affecting mankind and somehow they manage to conclude by a majority to deliver a sound stable solution as one people. As president of Taotao Tano I have no animosities against anyone in our homeland for we are all humans and we do not live in a perfect world and no one is perfect. It's all about the moral principle of this instigated and conspired fast-tracked federal legislation that concerns Taotao Tano the most. Do not be so gullible, Ed. Stop, look, listen and learn, because knowledge is power.

Gregorio Cruz Jr.
Taotao Tano CNMI Inc.

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